An online meeting of SNATTA CTD was held on 19.04.2024 regarding wage revision and JTO promotion in the presence of Our GS/SNATTA, Sri Suresh Kumar, Central Co-ordinator, Sri Naveen Kumar Verma,
ACS, CTD Mahesh Kumar, Circle body members, Area body members along with our JE members of CTD.
A detailed discussion was held about present scenario of wage revision & JTO promotion.
We have to enhance our unity in all area and each and every JEs must be aware about the issues of our cadre.
In the metting it was decided to conduct meeting of each area for the reformation of Area Body and then by conducting Circle Executive Committee meeting, the reformation of Circle body is also required . All the activities will be completed before 5th May 2024.
A team has been formed to communicate with each members in all area for finalising the area meeting and formation of circle body members & Area body members.
This is time when 3rd wage revision is to be happened and the scope of career progression is totally destroyed by the management, So all JEs must come forward and participate in the activities of our Association for the welfare of JE cadre..
The meeting ends with a positive vibes.
JE unity zindabad,
SNATTA zindabad.