(An Association of Junior Engineer’s of BSNL)

Meeting of SNATTA CHQ was held on 19/05/2024.

An online meeting of SNATTA CHQ was held on 19/05/2024. The circles that attended the meeting are
Calcutta Telephones, WBTC, Jharkhand, Odisha, UP(East), UP(West), and Himachal Pradesh.
Next meeting will be arranged soon with remaining circles..
The meeting proceeded with the agenda that was given in the notice. Standard pay scale in 3rd wage revision is our prime issue in all agenda points. Along with this, our full attention is on every aspect related to promotion from JE to JTO. Due to lack of vacancies it has become a big problem and our promotion has become very difficult.
So its also need to think about other ways of promotion if possible, that means we have to work for time bond promotion irrespective of vacancies. If management doesn’t agree to this then we must have to demand for clear definition of the duties and responsibilities of JEs and apart from that, we will keep ourselves away from any work and responsibility of the organization.
We have already written for mobile reimbursement for JE cadre . By giving a reminder letter again, we will leave all the official groups and all the work activity where mobiles are used.

After restructuring the circles are in the categories of Surplus, deficit and Just sufficient which creates difficulties in Rule-8 transfer but for the candidates who have realy need to get transfer due to different genuine reason , for that candidates we will take the step for transfer irrespective of Surplus and deficit..

A memorandum submission programme with the prime and burning issues of JE cadre(mainly pay and Promotion ) for one week and some agitational programmes during the same period will be conducted on behalf of SNATTA and if possible we will try to involve other recognised union too. Schedule of programmes and memorandum will be finalised by taking concern of all the Executive members of our Association .

To carry out any program, strong unity is needed along with proper planning so that we can create its impact.

We can put pressure on the management only when the management understands our importance,they understand the power of our strength and this will happen only when we all keep aside all the other things and try together in one voice and with one goal under the banner of our beloved Association, SNATTA.
During meeting it is decided to reform the circle body of SNATTA in each circle .
SNATTA UP(E) will conduct a meeting on 23/05/2024, SNATTA UP(west) will conduct meeting on 24/05/2024, and Himachal Pradesh will conduct meeting before 31st May, also SNATTA Jharkhand will conduct CIRCLE meeting soon.
Other circles are also requested to conduct meeting to reform the SNATTA CIRCLE BODY in your circle.
A strong team in each circle is need for successful conduction of our programmes for the welfare of JE cadre..

Thank you